Tuesday 6 May 2014

Creating a Business Plan for Singapore Charter Bus Service

Analogous to every other businesses, a business plan would inevitably be an essential tool for a charter bus transport company as well and upon completion of the plan, one would possess a better idea if a charter bus service company in Singapore is still the answer to his/her entrepreneurial spirit. Few considerations would subsequently be discussed in the upcoming sections.

Business Description
What opportunity or problem are you solving or realizing in Singapore’s bus charter transport industry?

Service Description
Describe the benefits of your bus charter transport services and preferably a service blueprint.

Description of the venture team
Evaluate if you and your management team possess the characteristics required to make the bus charter business successful.

Current Bus Charter Industry
Analyze Singapore’s bus charter transport industry as specifically as you can. Determine the industry’s size, average sales and profitability for the industry.

Market Potential for Singapore Bus Charter Service
Consider if the industry is in a period of growth, stability or growth. What were the trends in the past 5 years and what is the market demand going to be like in the next 1 – 4 years? Talk to people inside Singapore's transport industry for ideas about where the bus charter industry might be heading. How would technology or the global economy affect the market potential for the business?

Competitors (Direct)
What are their distinct advantages and disadvantages?

Target Market/Customers
Who are your customers? What are their values, attitudes and preferences that relate to your business?

Penetrating Singapore Bus Charter Service Market
How will you reach your target customers? What forms of selling or distribution will you use? How will your potential customers become aware of your business?

Stakeholder Analysis
Who are the key stakeholders in your bus charter business?

Revenue Sources
How many different revenue streams will your business model generate? What is the source of each revenue stream (eg. Advertising, service fees)? What is the relative size and importance of each revenue stream? How quickly is each revenue stream likely to grow?

Cost Drivers
What cost drivers have the greatest impact on cost structure? Are the costs fixed, semi-variable, variable or non-recurring? What is their relative size and importance? Will the cost drivers change over time?

Resource Requirements/Mapping
What resources (eg. Human, physical, financial) are needed? Where will you source it from? How much will it cost?

Investment Size
How much cash is required to launch the business model? What are the timings of these cash needs?

Critical Success Factors
Which elements of your bus charter transport service business model are most important to achieving profit goal? Which of these elements are most difficult to execute? Will they change over time?

Sources of Start-up capital
Where can you obtain the money you need to start the bus charter service business? Consider all sources available to you (eg. Personal savings, family and friends etc)

Further Information needed
What are you uncertain about? Whom could you ask? Where can you find this information?

Support Needed
List the groups or individuals you could consult for advice. Consider developing an advisory board consisting of people with experience in the bus charter industry and professionals from other industries whom might be expert marketers. For example, do you have an attorney, accountant, website designer etc. who could help you when needed? Make a list of all the supporting actors your business may need in the future.

The primary purpose of the business plan is therefore to act as a filtering device and to assist you in assessing if you should move on with your proposed business plan; Providing Charter Bus Service Transport in Singapore.  

Management of Ideovim
For Bus Chartering Service,

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