Wednesday 28 May 2014

Bus Transportation Management Issues

Here we mull over the asset and service management for a smarter transportation among Singapore Bus transportation companies.

Equipment maintenance and repair would be a critical activity that is central to success. Likewise, it is also about managing labour costs, warranties and significant inventories like wheels/tires, without sacrificing reliability or safety. Singapore Bus transportation service companies would have to fully utilize their existing assets and address how assets could be optimized throughout their useful life. 

Buses uptime is critical to meeting demanding needs of customers. One best way to drive operation excellence here for us at Ideovim is to increase reliability and availability, ensuring our assets do not break down while in service, improving customer satisfaction by delivering passengers on time. 

So question is how can the management increase reliability and availability of the different assets while meeting the stringent requirements of government bodies and demanding needs of the customers?

How can Singapore bus charter service companies manage in tough economic times and still be ready to adapt to whatever comes next?

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