Saturday 28 June 2014

Singapore RideSharing with Ideovim Bus

Gather your peeps & start your ridesharing party today ! Travel or commute with Ideovim Bus Transport Service in Singapore !

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Bus Service Singapore

What do your think about this slogan - "Perfecting the Art of Travel" ?

Let us know how to enhance our provision for bus service in Singapore. 

Sunday 15 June 2014

Van For Hire Singapore | Book a Van Singapore

Would you prefer to hire the Toyota Hiace Van in Singapore or the New Nissan NV 350 ? 

Which van / mini bus would you book ?

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Bus Transportation Management Issues

Here we mull over the asset and service management for a smarter transportation among Singapore Bus transportation companies.

Equipment maintenance and repair would be a critical activity that is central to success. Likewise, it is also about managing labour costs, warranties and significant inventories like wheels/tires, without sacrificing reliability or safety. Singapore Bus transportation service companies would have to fully utilize their existing assets and address how assets could be optimized throughout their useful life. 

Buses uptime is critical to meeting demanding needs of customers. One best way to drive operation excellence here for us at Ideovim is to increase reliability and availability, ensuring our assets do not break down while in service, improving customer satisfaction by delivering passengers on time. 

So question is how can the management increase reliability and availability of the different assets while meeting the stringent requirements of government bodies and demanding needs of the customers?

How can Singapore bus charter service companies manage in tough economic times and still be ready to adapt to whatever comes next?

Thursday 22 May 2014

Customer Focus is key to future success in the transportation industry

For success in Singapore's changing transportation industry, Ideovim believe, everything hinges on the customer. Singapore bus charter transportation companies that are able to discern their customers at an extremely granular level, and translate that customer-centricity into tailored, personalised customer experiences, will build loyal customer bases and be able to withstand new competitors.

Businesses have to put the customer at the heart of everything they do, and what they offer must be tailored to what customers want. Systems and processes that hold them back from reaching this goal have to be scrapped in favour of ones that are much more agile and flexible.

What's your thoughts? Share it with us.

The Management of Ideovim

Sunday 18 May 2014

Towards a sustainable bus charter transportation service in Singapore

We’re adamant in our belief that the social, economic and environmental challenges posed by unsustainable growth would directly affect transportation companies’ abilities to do business. In this, we acknowledged that a new era for Singapore’s bus transportation industry was in sight – a summit of achievement in which sustainability would be embedded into bus charter companies and markets would align to price in sustainability, permitting businesses to play the leading role as the innovators of a new wave of social, economic and environmental development.

Ideovim regard sustainability as key to success. Do you?

How important are sustainability issues to the future success of your bus charter business?

Management of Ideovim